is a two volume manga series written by Yoshihiro Takahashi and published by Shueisha in 2001. ''Lassie'' follows a rough collie named ''Lassie'' as he searches for his beloved friend Akutsu, who he wants to be his owner. Though named for the famous fictional collie from books, movies and television series in the United States, Takahashi's Lassie is male, and has little in common with the American Lassie other than a shared name and being the same breed. Though Takahashi is well known for his dog-oriented manga series, particularly ''Ginga Densetsu Weed'' and ''Ginga Nagareboshi Gin'', the ''Lassie'' series is one his lesser known series, even in Japan, and it has never been licensed for an English language release. ==Plot== Lassie is focused around a male〔 Rough Collie (named Lassie) and his journey to find a woman, Akutsu. Lassie spent much of his life in a pet shop, and the two developed a strong bond. When the two are separated, Lassie sets out on his journey to find her. Lassie encounters and helps many people and dogs along the way. German, a German Shepherd Dog, is a newly made friend of Lassie's who recovers his trust in humans because of Lassie. Yaguchi, a young boy who would get harassed by bullies, was helped by Lassie. In turn, Yaguchi helped both German and Lassie when they were wounded and gave German a home. Chiyomaru was a Shiba Inu mix who was beaten and dumped by his owner's new wife. Lassie gives him help and the courage to face her and prove to his owner, Sanosuke, what she had done. After all these events, Lassie and Akutsu are finally reunited. Throughout the series, Bull, an American Pit Bull Terrier, serves as the antagonist. He dislikes both Lassie and German. When he attacks humans, though, Lassie rushes out to warn him about what the humans would do. Despite this, Bull continues to dislike Lassie and is captured by animal control. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Lassie (manga)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク